This is a review of Sims 3 Ambitions. It is a virtual game where you control your own family. It is only on PC And iPhone. There are many expansion packs and ambitions is one of them. Sims 3 Ambitions is the only Sims game where you can control your Sim when they are at work. It gives a whole new variatey of jobs. When you create your Sim you can only have a toddler at the youngest. But a fully grown adult Sim who is married can have a baby. You can also adopt a baby for yourself using the phone. You have to take care of your same eg: bathe, feed etc. each Sim has unique traits and skills. The game includes challenges. For alot of money make all your Sims that are above the age of children to go to work. Be careful on what job you want you sim to visit. A higher salary gets you more money but it may invlove more work. There are part-time jobs and full-time jobs. Remember to pay your bills otherwise the repoman will come and take away some items in your house. You wouldn't want that to happen would you? isms speak a made up language that you won't understand. Your Sim will also die through many ways. They are : Electrocution, Fire, Meteor, Old age, Drowning and starvation!
Hope you enjoy!